Issue Position: Pro-Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Reproduction

Brenner is endorsed by Ohio Right to Life
Ohio Right to LifeLife is precious, and a baby who can feel pain and is viable outside of the womb should not be eliminated merely as a form of birth control. A pregnant woman deserves to be supported and made aware of all her choices. No woman should have to live with the pain and regret of abortion simply because she felt like she has no other choices. Because of this, Brenner consistently and openly supports local pregnancy centers -- not just with legislation, but in his personal efforts.

Andrew Brenner promised that he would support life as a State Representative, and he has kept that promise. Here are just a few of the highlights:

In every General Assembly in which it has been introduced since 2011 when Brenner took office, he has cosponsored and voted for the Heartbeat Bill (HB 258 in the 132nd GA)
Brenner voted yes on the down syndrome abortion ban signed into law by Governor Kasich in December 2017 (HB 214)
Right to Life

Brenner believes that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control, and that it should not be the go-to solution for an unwanted pregnancy. Through supporting adoption and community pregnancy centers, women should be afforded every opportunity to explore options and understand the future regret they will likely feel if the child is aborted. However, Brenner also understands that there are circumstances in which a woman needs to make a decision with her family and her doctor (such as for the survival of the mother and rape), but these are rare occasions in this day and age. As your State Senator, Brenner will continue to introduce, support and fight for legislation that defends the sanctity of life. Other candidates may have similar beliefs, but Brenner is the only Republican candidate in this race with an actual record of voting for legislation that upholds life.
